

Currently, there are three Factions available, with the fourth in development, and more already planned. The three Factions are:

Strike Team

In Shrine Wars, each player controls a Strike Team and battles for supremacy on the battlefield. A Strike Team always consists of one Hero-class model and two Monster-class models from the same Faction. You can explore the different Factions and miniatures by clicking the Faction emblems above.

Game Layout

When set up, a game of Shrine Wars fits perfectly on a 90cm x 90cm table, as shown in the images below:

The Game Board is double-sided. The Forest Map on the left is a 1-objective map, whereas the Desert Map on the right is a
2-objective map. While the difference seems minimal, the pacing of the game differs significantly between the two sides of the map.

A game in full swing looks like the following:

The setup above was created using two Shrine Wars Starter Sets, one from each player. Not all the tokens above will be used in every game; the complete set of tokens was featured solely for display reasons. Also note that dice trays, pens and measurement tapes are not included with the purchase of the game.

Component Box

The front and back covers of the Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars Component Box are as follows:

This 1-player Component Box comes with the purchase of an Elemana Chronicles Starter Set, which includes a Strike Team from the Faction of your choice, along with all the components needed for one player, excluding pens and measurement tapes.

One Starter Set (of any Faction) per player is required to play Shrine Wars. However, each player needs only one Component Box for Shrine Wars, regardless of the number of miniatures or Factions owned. If you wish to expand your miniature collection to other Factions, please check out the miniature bundles in our webstore, which exclude the Component Box and come with bundle discounts.

Alternatively, if you're looking to get started with a friend or family member, we also offer 2-player Starter Set in our webstore, perfect for diving into the world of Elemana Chronicles together.

How to Start

1) Explore the lore, Factions, and miniatures on our website.

2) Select your preferred Faction. Feel free to read through the Rulebook and Character Sheets before deciding, both of which can be downloaded for free here.

3) Purchase a Starter Set(s) of your chosen Faction(s) from our webstore.

4) Wait for your Starter Set(s) to arrive. When they do, set up the game and start playing Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars!

Future Release

As new models are released, you can purchase them individually to expand your selection of Heroes and Monsters within your Faction(s).

Also, we do not plan to deviate from the one-Hero-two-Monsters format for Shrine Wars. Should the need for a larger-scale game arise, we will develop a new title in the Elemana Chronicles universe instead of altering the Shrine Wars format. Shrine Wars has undergone extensive internal playtesting to ensure its gameplay balance. Additionally, preserving this format is crucial to maintaining its accessibility in terms of pricing.

Republic of Armisteia

Utilising both Science and Magic, the Republic of Armisteia invented knight-robots which are capable of autonomous functions. With the knight-robots and Metalmancy at their disposal, the Republican military dominates the battlefield in both offence and defence.

Alliance of the Four Elements

Fire, Wind, Water, Earth. An alliance of elementalist tribes scattered across the world to survive the upcoming great war. Mastering the elemental synergy between different characters is the key to defeat your opponents.

Kingdom of Eternity

A menagerie of the dead and the unliving, bent to the will of the Prince of Death. Curse and debilitate your foes to watch them scramble for your amusement.

Game Layout: Desert Map
Game Layout: Desert Map
Game Layout: Forest Map
Game Layout: Forest Map
Game in full swing
Game in full swing
ECSW Component Box Front Cover
ECSW Component Box Front Cover
ECSW Component Box Back Cover
ECSW Component Box Back Cover
Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars logo
Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars logo

Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars is a MOBA-inspired, 2-player tabletop miniature arena game set in a fantasy world, where Magic is elemental in nature and adheres to the Laws of Magic. A game of Shrine Wars is played over six rounds and lasts around one and a half hours.


Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars is a MOBA-inspired, 2-player tabletop miniature arena game set in a fantasy world, where Magic is elemental in nature and adheres to the Laws of Magic. A game of Shrine Wars is played over six rounds and lasts around one and a half hours.


Currently, there are three Factions available, with the fourth in development, and more already planned. The three Factions are:

Republic of Armisteia

Utilising both Science and Magic, the Republic of Armisteia invented knight-robots which are capable of autonomous functions. With the knight-robots and Metalmancy at their disposal, the Republican military dominates the battlefield in both offence and defence.

Alliance of the Four Elements

Fire, Wind, Water, Earth. An alliance of elementalist tribes scattered across the world to survive the upcoming great war. Mastering the elemental synergy between different characters is the key to defeat your opponents.

Kingdom of Eternity

A menagerie of the dead and the unliving, bent to the will of the Prince of Death. Curse and debilitate your foes to watch them scramble for your amusement.

Strike Team

In Shrine Wars, each player controls a Strike Team and battles for supremacy on the battlefield. A Strike Team always consists of one Hero-class model and two Monster-class models from the same Faction.

Game Layout

When set up, a game of Shrine Wars fits perfectly on a 90cm x 90cm table, as shown in the images below:

The Game Board is double-sided. The Forest Map above is a 1-objective map, whereas the Desert Map below is a
2-objective map. While the difference seems minimal, the pacing of the game differs significantly between the two sides of the map.

A game in full swing looks like the following:

The setup above was created using two Shrine Wars Starter Sets, one from each player. Not all the tokens above will be used in every game; the complete set of tokens was featured solely for display reasons. Also note that dice trays, pens and measurement tapes are not included with the purchase of the game.

Component Box

The front and back covers of the Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars Component Box are as follows:

This 1-player Component Box comes with the purchase of an Elemana Chronicles Starter Set, which includes a Strike Team from the Faction of your choice, along with all the components needed for one player, excluding pens and measurement tapes.

One Starter Set (of any Faction) per player is required to play Shrine Wars. However, each player needs only one Component Box for Shrine Wars, regardless of the number of miniatures or Factions owned. If you wish to expand your miniature collection to other Factions, please check out the miniature bundles in our webstore, which exclude the Component Box and come with bundle discounts.

Alternatively, if you're looking to get started with a friend or family member, we also offer 2-player Starter Set in our webstore, perfect for diving into the world of Elemana Chronicles together.

How to Start

1) Explore the lore, Factions, and miniatures on our website.

2) Select your preferred Faction. Feel free to read through the Rulebook and Character Sheets before deciding, both of which can be downloaded for free here.

3) Purchase a Starter Set(s) of your chosen Faction(s) from our webstore.

4) Wait for your Starter Set(s) to arrive. When they do, set up the game and start playing Elemana Chronicles: Shrine Wars!

Future Release

As new models are released, you can purchase them individually to expand your selection of Heroes and Monsters within your Faction(s).

Also, we do not plan to deviate from the one-Hero-two-Monsters format for Shrine Wars. Should the need for a larger-scale game arise, we will develop a new title in the Elemana Chronicles universe instead of altering the Shrine Wars format. Shrine Wars has undergone extensive internal playtesting to ensure its gameplay balance. Additionally, preserving this format is crucial to maintaining its accessibility in terms of pricing.

Republic of Armisteia emblem
Republic of Armisteia emblem
Alliance of the Four Elements emblem
Alliance of the Four Elements emblem
Kingdom of Eternity emblem
Kingdom of Eternity emblem
Republic of Armisteia emblem
Republic of Armisteia emblem
Alliance of the Four Elements emblem
Alliance of the Four Elements emblem
Kingdom of Eternity emblem
Kingdom of Eternity emblem